Milinda Siriwardana Player Profile, Age, Career, Bowling & Batting Stats

Milinda Siriwardana

| Batter

Batting Statistics

M Inns Runs BF NO HS AVG S/R 100 50 4s 6s
5 9 298 454 0 68 33.11 65.63 0 2 32 11
27 24 516 525 1 66 22.43 98.28 0 3 39 13
22 19 275 208 3 42 17.18 132.21 0 0 16 12
114 104 1648 1170 20 90 19.61 140.85 0 6 116 74
192 168 3906 4258 29 112 28.1 91.73 2 21 289 117
142 231 8343 12376 18 185 39.16 67.41 17 53 879 183

Bowling Statistics

5 9 257 68.5 11 23.36 3.73 5/51 0
27 21 547 100.1 9 60.77 5.46 2/27 0
22 13 206 23 8 25.75 8.95 2/17 0
114 73 1315 163.3 49 26.83 8.04 4/22 0
192 128 3050 648.3 107 28.5 4.7 6/40 1
142 172 5180 1360.5 156 33.2 3.8 9/120 6

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