Pieter Malan Player Profile, Age, Career, Bowling & Batting Stats

Pieter Malan

| Batter

Batting Statistics

M Inns Runs BF NO HS AVG S/R 100 50 4s 6s
3 6 156 530 0 84 26 29.43 0 1 11 0
66 66 1907 1603 11 140 34.67 118.96 1 12 185 56
134 131 5418 6867 15 171 46.7 78.89 15 27 519 68
193 322 13159 27017 25 264 44.3 48.7 39 55 1637 79
4 4 40 37 0 27 10 108.11 0 0 3 1

Bowling Statistics

3 1 5 2 0 2.5 0
66 1 30 4 2 15 7.5 2/30 0
134 11 274 40.5 1 274 6.71 1/28 0
193 40 510 160.1 21 24.28 3.18 6/36 1
4 0 0 0 0 0

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